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(1) Yuanfa Li, Minghui Li, Angang Ming, Hongxiang Wang, Sufang Yu, Shaoming Ye. 2021. Spatial Pattern Dynamics among Co-dominant Populations in Early Secondary Forests in Southwest China. Journal of Forestry Research (online)

(2) Martini, F., et al., 2021. Plant apparency drives leaf herbivory in seedling communities across four subtropical forests. Oecologia .

(3) Martini F. and U.M. Goodale. 2021. Leaf damage by herbivore feeding guilds along gradients of elevation and plant species richness. Biotropica. Published online

(4) Martini, Francesco, Shang-Wen Xia, Chaobo Zou, Uromi Manage Goodale 2020.Seedling growth and survival responses to multiple soil properties in subtropical forests of south China. Forest Ecology and Management 474:118382.

(5) Feng-Sen Tan, Hui-Qing Song, Pei-Li Fu, Ya-Jun Chen , Zafar Siddiq, Kun-Fang Cao, Shi-Dan Zhu*, 2020. Hydraulic safety margins of co-occurring woody plants in a tropical karst forest experiencing frequent extreme droughts. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 292–293:108107

(6) Martini, Francesco, Chaobo Zou, Uromi Manage Goodale, 2019. Intrinsic biotic factors and microsite conditions drive seedling survival in a species with masting reproduction. Ecology and Evolution 9:14261-14272.

(7) 梁洁洁,等, 2020.岑王老山常绿落叶阔叶混交林的物种组成及多样性特征.广西科学,27(02): p. 136-144.

(8) 于瀛,等,岑王老山常绿落叶阔叶混交林群落优势种种间联结性与种间相关性分析. 广西科学, 2020.27(02): p. 145-153.

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(10)郑维艳,曹坤芳* 2019.未来气候变化对四种木姜子地理分布的影响。广西植物,DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201904020。

(11)郑维艳,曹坤芳*. 2019.中国柯属五种资源植物潜在地理分布及其对气候变化的响应.植物科学学报, 37(4):474-484.


(13)郑维艳,曾文豪,唐一思,石慰,曹坤芳* 2018.中国大陆北热带及亚热带地区樟科、壳斗科物种多样性及生物地理格局分析。生态学报38(24):8676⁃8687。

(14)唐一思,石慰,曾文豪,郑维艳, 曹坤芳* 2018.广西天然林中藤本植物区系组成及系统发育多样性. 生态学报38(24):8750⁃8757.

(15)任礼,罗应华,王磊,蒙奕奕,梁洁洁,罗流接,2018.岑王老山不同海拔森林群落结构比较。广西林业科学 47(2):139-144.


(1)Francesco Martini 2020. Forest regeneration dynamics and their interactions with the biotic and abiotic environment in subtropical China. 新葡的京集团8814登录入口博士学位论文。




(5) 曾文豪,2019.广西地区喀斯特与非喀斯特山地森林树木物种多样性及系统发育结构比较。新葡的京集团8814登录入口硕士学位论文。

(6) 唐一思,2019.广西天然林中藤本植物区系组成及系统发育多样性。新葡的京集团8814登录入口硕士学位论文。

(7) 张永贵,2018. 岑王老山亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤理化性质分布特征与植被关系研究。新葡的京集团8814登录入口硕士学位论文,53页。

(8) 梁洁洁,2019. 岑王老山植物多样性及功能性状研究。广西大 学硕士学位论文,63 页。

(9) 任礼,2018. 岑王老山植物群落多样性及优势种群空间分布格局。新葡的京集团8814登录入口硕士学位论文。

(10) 刘思聪,2017. 天然林林分空间结构探究—以岑王老山国家自然保护区为例。新葡的京集团8814登录入口硕士学位论文,61页。